We did not managed to escape the haze. It turns out, the wind blew the haze directly to Kota Kinabalu. Our tour guide today was suggested by Kakak's friend. He is a local man named Danon. We met him at 8 a.m at our lobby.

There was a miscommunication early in the morning. We thought we're having breakfast first but Danon took us to the Rumah Terbalik or Upside Down House instead. Belasah jelah. We paid RM5 for entrance. The upside down house is build upside down. This house was an exact replica of a house of a family in Sabah. When I said exact, it matches everything up to every little detail.

We knocked the door and enter through the kitchen (as it was a backdoor). Every item is on the roof which is the floor. Imagine walking in the house and avoiding ceiling fan on your feet. We then went to the bedroom where they placed a mirror on the floor so we can see how the room looks like in normal conditions. Not only the house is upside down, the garage and yard is upside down as well - even the car was hang on the ceiling.

Rumah Terbalik

The upside down toilet

The upside down car

We then went to a small restaurant along the way for brunch. I had a Bihun sup which was really good. We then went to the winding road to get to Ranau. There is a view point but due to the haze and fog, we could not see the peak of Mount Kinabalu which usually shows up at this hour.

We reached the Kinabalu Park where we had a toilet break. We then went to Sungai Tagal or the local dubbed it as the natural fish spa. Why? The fishes lives in the river and once you put your feet in, the fish will bite off the dead skin. It is not aquarium bred like the one you see in malls.

I was scared. I just dip in 3 inches of water and the fish bit my toes. I couldnt handle it, I shrieked. I dont care who's watching. They even sell fish foods there. Owh and you only have 15 minutes per entry. It is different if you choose a ticket which allows you to bath in the river (not!).

We then had lunch at the Ranau KFC. The fog thickens, still no show of Kinabalu's peak. i was devastated. We then went to Desa Dairy Farm which host the habitat of black and white cows with grazing green field that looks like you're in New Zealand.

It was raining that evening and we managed to go to the petting area where you can pet a sheep and calf. I wanted to buy the milk but the long lines demotivates me. It was quite late so we headed off to the Kinabalu National Park.
Desa Cattle Farm

Petting area. Zayyan was scared

Tamparuli bridge

Danon decided to take us to the Timpohan Gate, which is the checkpoint for all climbers. On the way up, it was so scary because the fog is really thick with 0 visibility. The road is small so my heart was pumping because I am terrified. We can also see the road afftected by the 2015 Kinabalu Earthquake which claimed lives of climbers and guides.

Timpohan Gate
Finally we reached the Timpohan gate for photo opt. The temperature is very low up there, still no Kinabalu peak. We then decided to went straight to KK. On the way, Kinabalu only show its peak when we're on the way back. We can also see what's left of the Donkey Ear.

We had dinner at the same place as last night. The food was not good at all. Perhaps, the cook was different tonight. It was tasteless.

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