Several colleagues were planning to go to the Natural Bridge Caverns located in San Antonio. They then extend the invitation to me to join. I was actually planning to go here.

San Antonio is about 3 hours drive from Houston. We depart at 6.30 a.m and stop for breakfast in the middle of the highway. The day was cloudy and I was worried that it might actually rain throughout the day. I did not drive this time as one my colleague drive us.

We had breakfast at Whataburger which is a big fast food joint in the US. I ate an overly-sweet cinnamon roll. I bet my sugar level sky rocketed that morning. We reached the caverns by 11.00 a.m just in time for the 11.30 a.m tour.

The ticket costs around $24 incuding the tour that will took 90 minutes. It was drizzling lightly and the temperature began to drop. We took the normal tour and at the entrance, the tour guide actually adviced us to take off our jacket because the cave is actually humid and hot to preserve all the formation. He said that the humidity of the cavern is at 99%. Way worst than KL.

Outside this cave is a natural bridge - hence the name. This cave is 188 feet deep and was discovered around the 60s. They have multiple chambers inside the cavern with the biggest one is called the White Room. At the entrance, it was okay but few meters down the passage, you can feel the humidity and the heat crawling into your skin. It feels like a stuffy room. There is no climbing requirement as they have build a descent passageways for visitors. Lighting is sufficient but you guys have to be careful of the slippery passageways.

Outside the caverns, the tour operators even set up a few little shops selling rocks, formation to the visitors. They even have an on-air obstacle course and flying fox for the kids with an additional fee. Fun part is that the area has another attraction which is the Safari Drive Thru next door.

The King's Throne

The safari enable you to drive your own car to the vicinity of the open safari. Price for admission is $25 including a large bag of animal food. This safari is about 5 miles long and yes, it was packed with cars that day. Can you imagine a traffic in the safari? Quite ironic right?

Inside we were greeted by a mountain goat and we proceed to see other animals from our car. We even attempt to get the animals to come near our car for the food with no avail. Perhaps they are fully fed since morning. We had no luck with the zebras and we finish the course by successfully feeding the llama. The llama was too friendly that it almost get his head in our car.

Nevertheless, it was an okay trip for a short weekend. It will be a perfect spot for young kids. In Malaysia, you don't have a drive thru safari (that I know of) and this is fun.

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