The tomb of Mustapha Kamal Attartuk
Yes, we arrived the capital city of Turkey which is Ankara. The site that we went to is the Mustpha Kamal Atartuk Museum and Tomb. Okay, I was half asleep when we reached here. Suddenly we have to go through security check point before going into the compound.

Royal guard

Mustapha Kamal is the most famous Prime minister for Turkey. They called him the Modernization Father of Turkey. He is the one who ended the Ottoman Empire. A lot of urban legend surrounds his life and death. We go through the museum complex and we went inside the tomb. We were lucky to witness the change of guards. The weather was extremely cold. I almost pee myself waiting outside.

Ingat Buckingham Palace je ada change of guards. Turkey pun hado. Dikatakan Kamal Atartuk ni banyak mencabar hukum Allah. Dialah yang menyebabkan penduduk Turki ni bertukar kepada Islam Sekular. Mereka dah tak amalkan gaya hidup Islam, cuma Islam on paper sahaja. Dikatakan Kamal Atartuk ni menghadapi penyiksaan di saat akhir hidup dia dan tak diterima Bumi. Nauzubillah.

We then went to the pottery place and jewelry place. As usual, I just watched and not buy anything. The turquoise blue enamel is the most sought after type of jewelery in Turkey. We arrived the Romantic City of Bolu. That's what Mr Ouz said. Bolu is a charming old city. Our hotel, Koru Hotel looks like a cottage. I managed to buy some Turkish Delights (honey based) on the way to the hotel. For honey based lokum, it costs you per 100 gram.

Pottery making demonstration

All pottery are hand-painted
The next morning, it snow! We were shocked because it was staring of Spring but it actually snowing outside. I only got to see the settled down snow in Europe but not snowing! This is my first time experiencing this. I never thought that snow looks like cotton falling from the sky. We then continue our Journey back to Istanbul, which will be in the next post.
Snowing in Bolu

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