2014 Europe Trip - Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA - Post Trip

I still could not believe we get to go on our dream Europe Trip vacation. We are forever grateful for the opportunity. We have made millions of memories in Europe. Be it happy or some extreme comedic memories which I cannot mentioned hehe.

Jet lagged? Yes. It is weird that we do not get any jet lag when we arrived in Paris but was hit by it pretty bad when we get home. Travel bug? I took extra leaves so I can rest well at home and manage the jet lag situation.

CB and Dila went to work the same week and had some incidents of dozing off at their desks. Erk?
Tu la, orang lain semua cuti. Rajin pergi office last2 ambil EL sebab tak tahan mengantuk.
So, all of us sit down and ask each other one question – Which country/city do you like the mo

For me, every place is special but there are some places have that super attraction that you would want to go again in future. In my context, my favourite city/country is Switzerland and second place goes to Nice. Why Switzerland? I don’t know, it is like love at first sight. I fell head over heels for this country. It is beautiful, peaceful, super clean, people are friendly and I could not imagine being anywhere else except here. Even, if we go to Europe again, I will definitely visit Switzerland again.

I Love You
The scenery of Switzerland continues to haunt me until this day. Nice, offers a laid back old town kinda feel. It has beautiful old buildings and it was ‘saved’ from the hustle of the big cities. The fruits, flowers are the best in Nice. The people are very nice compared to the Parisian. They are more welcoming and warm towards tourists.

Well, everyone has their own opinion. I know a lot of us see cities like Paris and Venice as the Holy Grail “you’d lose the game if you miss this place” kinda perception. They always thought Paris is THE ONE. Many are disappointed and fell short after finding out maybe things are not to be as they expected. Well, I was not one of the city-lovers. I lean towards travelling to out-of-city places. For me, Paris, Venice and Rome have their own attractions (the architecture!) but it is not entirely for me. I was always drawn to beautiful nature, scenery rather than concrete jungle.

Even for shopping, I love shopping in Nice since I can shop calmly and take my own sweet time rather than shouting, hustling around the big boutiques.

But hey, that is just me. After I came home from Europe, I learned to appreciate my home country even more. To love Malaysia even more. It may seems old fashion, but those who had carry 30kg of suitcase up and down, will know what I mean. To me, Malaysia provide a better public transportation facilities i.e Escalator, lifts, toilets, etc. Generally, ASEAN countries have the best public facilities ever i.e Singapore. You Malaysians and Singaporeans will know this. Especially those who went to Europe. We ASEAN nations, always provide a facility to accommodate our people and visitors so that they are comfortable. We did a really good job and we should be proud of it.

When there is good, there is also stuff we can help to improve. People connection for example. Europeans are friendly some times and very accommodating. I have been treated very well in Europe, in which shame for me to say, I have been treated quite rudely by some Malaysian hotel staffs. There is a lot of room for improvement for Malaysia, like cleanliness, littering especially.

Coming home, I finally identify myself as a budget-backpackers-leisure-traveler. I love beautiful scenery more than cities. I appreciate beautiful coastline and Alps that skyscraper. Lesson learnt from this trip I hope will make me a better traveler, a better person and a better citizen.

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