We feel happy when we went to Makkah. I find that I get to go to umrah after I experienced heartache or broken heart or frustration. Which is good. This is the time I need to be close to Allah the most. Well, we covered all parts in Makkah I guess. The last day in Makkah, we perform our tawaf wida in the morning around 10 a.m. We have lunch and perform solat on the way.

This view will be missed.

These were taken a day before we leave the Holy City.

The rules of tawaf wida is that when you finish, you have to go out from the Masjidil Haram and don’t look back. No photograph, no solat, no doa. Straight out. This is heart wrenching. We always prayed that Allah bring all of us here in the future. With a heavy heart, we leave this Holy Mosque. Every step away from the Masjid generate tears and sadness in our hearts.

I truly love this place. It is irony- why? Masjidil Haram is full of people thousands at once and it seems like it is the most busy place on Earth, but, it is the only place that I feel peace. Because this land is Holy and Allah is closer to us here than what we might think.

Kami hanya mampu bersyukur kerana diberi peluand dan rezeki. Kami juga bersyukur Allah mudahkan kami sebagaimana Dia kehendaki dan beri kesihatan. Doa Nadia adalah nadia dapat ke sini lagi dengan keluarga dan mungkin ketika itu dah bertukar status isteri. Itu semua doa dan harapan. Siapa yang tak mahu 100 000 kali ganda pahala dia Tanah Suci Mekah. Semoga dapat jejak kaki ke sini lagi insyallah.

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