2014 - Lombok, Indonesia (PART 3)

This is the last day for us in Lombok. We had breakfast in the morning and Nik, kak Tasha and I decided to walk along the beach. We did. We went to Sunset Restaurant and walk back to our hotel. But it was not what we expected. There is no direct access and the walking pathway facility was in very poor shape. It broke and sunk. Quite dangerous as we have to be very careful where we land our foot. We manage to reach the hotel nevertheless.
Bye, Lombok.

Before checking out, we decided to go for a spa. We went across the road for a tiny spa that does not even look like a spa. I choose to do some manicure and it was not that good. The massage was good though.

We went to a nearby Ayam Penyet restaurant and eat lunch there. We went back to the hotel to pray at the small mosque build inside the hotel compound.  The driver pick us up and we were on our way to the airport. We manage to persuade the drive to make a stop at a souvenir mall so we can buy some good quality souvenirs.

Flight back home was okay and I choose to eat dinner onboard. Flight was full of passanger and I feel a little uncomfortable because person next to me and on the next row keep looking at me while I was sleeping. Creepy much?

Overall, Lombok is an untouched beauty. It is not as popular as Bali which I love. The island are beautiful but the tour execution fell a little short. I might give Lombok another try because I want to dive there, maybe next time?

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