Umrah 2015 - The Beginning

Assalamualaikum w.b.t
Perjalan umrah untuk tahun 2015.

Date: 29th January to 8th February 2015
Duration: 11D10N
Type: Group Tour – Enter Makkah First
Airlines: Malaysia Airlines

Alhamdulillah, we have been granted another opportunity to visit the Holy City of Makkah and Madinah. This will be our fourth time being here. For those who has been here before, you will always want to re-visit and you are never bored. Kuasa Allah kan?

This time we are going with TH Travel. We always used Triways as our tour leader for Umrah. My parents went for Hajj with TH Travel before and they are very happy with them. We made the decision to go at end of December. Our planned date? End of January. Less than a month. Since we are used to getting there, all the clothes and everything is ready and we don’t need to buy anything new – eh yeke?

Soalan: Kenapa pilih masuk Makkah dahulu?
Seingat Nadia, 4 kali kami pergi, sekali sahaja kami masuk Madinah dahulu. Yang lain semua masuk Makkah dahulu. Ia bergantung pada pendapat peribadi masing2 tapi bagi Nadia and family, kami rasa lebih elok kita dahulukan ibadat kita iaitu tunaikan umrah. Tunaikan umrah dah selesai baru ke Madinah untuk berehat. Lagi satu, advantage selesaikan unrah awal ni adalah pada ketika kita bertolak, badan kita masih sihat, tenaga masih banyak jadi insyallah dapat tunaikan umrah dengan bertenaga dan efisyen. Berbanding kalau tiba di Madinah dahulu, dah 3-4 hari baru kita akan naik bas ke Makkah yang mengambil masa 6 jam. 6 jam tahan pantang larang ihram.

There are 4 of us – my mum, dad, aunt and myself. We book a 2 person per room package that costs around RM9+++. The hotel is Marwa Ar Rayhaan, 50 m from Masjidil Haram. It is located inside the Zam Zam Clock Tower. In Madinah we stayed in Anwar Movenpick.

We are so worried about the Umrah visa since the requirements are very tight these few years. Alhamdulillah a week before we depart, we managed to get the visa.

There is not much shopping going on. We bought a mini telekung from Siti Khadijah, additional socks, and a jubbah from AlMunawarah.

Review untuk telekung Siti Khadijah: ada 2 versi telekung, mini dan telekung penuh. Dua2 Nadia pakai. Dua2 super comfortable, kain dia cotton yang sangat berkualiti dan sejuk. Harga agak pricey tapi Nadia rasa berbaloi sebab sangat selesa. nadia anggap ni sebagai investment lah, harap2 tahan lama telekung ni.

For those who wants to venture on this journey, we have to prepare ourselves not only physically but mentally and spiritually as well. For tawaf and saie, we need to practice walking at long distance. Spiritually, we made a lot of solat (taubat and hajat) and pray that Allah received us in this Holy Land and made ease of our journeys. There will be a lot of trials before and during we are there, learn to be patient. The most important, set your intentions right – you are going to please Him, not for anything else.

It was winter in Saudi, so we bring along our sweaters and jackets along.

Berniat betul itu penting. Banyak pengalaman kami yang dijadikan tauladan. Semua kami dah rasa. Dari sakit sampailah berbagai dugaan. Banyakkan solat Taubat, hajat dan baca AlQuran. Kita nak pergi ke Tanah Suci, maka kenalah sucikan hati kita sekali. Tepuk dada, Tanya iman. Paling kurang, sungguhkan sikit usaha beribadat sebelum pergi. Bukan mudah nak cari keredhaan Allah di sana. Banyakkan doa untuk Allah mudahkan kita, jaga keselamatan dan kesihatan dan terima segala amal ibadat kita nanti. Kalau boleh, sebulan dah nak pergi, tulis doa yang macam diajar ustaz2 di mana doa itu sangat spesifik, untuk diri sendiri, segala hajat dan permintaan kita semasa perjalanan kita nanti.

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